
Backend Keywords Guide: How to Add Them to Your Listings

Backend Keywords Listings - 2ndoffice

If you’re familiar with how Search Engine Optimization (SEO) works then you definitely got this covered.

In this article we’ll talk about everything you need to know on backend keywords, with tips and guidelines to effectively optimize your listing.

Amazon Product Page Optimization allows your product to receive its maximum exposure and visibility by improving performance to generate more sales. Properly utilizing keywords will not only improve your ranking, but also makes your item appear on the search results page easily.

Amazon’s Backend Keyword Guidelines

Sellers and merchants must comply with the following guidelines from Amazon:

  • Keywords must stay under 250 bytes.
  • Usage of unrelated, repetitive, and offensive terms are prohibited.
  • Mentions of ASINs and brand names must also be avoided as these are already present in product titles and descriptions.
  • Avoid using both singular and plural words when putting in search terms. Amazon automatically ranks your listing for both singular and plural, so mentioning it repeatedly is unnecessary.
  • Synonyms, abbreviations, and punctuations are also not allowed.

Two Types of Keywords When Optimizing Contents:

1. Frontend Keywords

This refers to the keywords that can be found on the product listing itself: i.e. product title, descriptions, and bullet points. These are visible and indexed by Amazon’s algorithm.

2. Backend Keywords

This refers to the hidden keywords and phrases in product listings that aren’t visible to customers and still accounts to your product index.  

Tips in Backend Keywords on Amazon

  1. Focus on Important Keywords

Avoid using irrelevant and unnecessary words since sellers have limited bytes. Determine the important keywords by using tools that will properly identify them based on value and their search volume.

  • Follow Amazon Guidelines

Make sure your search terms adhere with Amazon’s Guidelines to avoid conflicts and complications. Amazon provides rules and guidelines to help sellers improve and refine their listings better.

  • Monitor Performance

Keeping track and monitoring backend keywords enables sellers to evaluate which keywords are effective and has a better ranking performance. It lets them easily apply changes if the results aren’t impressive.

Where Can the Backend Keywords Be Accessed?

  1. Go to ‘Manage Inventory’ tab under your Amazon Seller Account.
  2. Select a listing and click ‘Edit’.
  3. Click the ‘Keywords’ tab and open the ‘Hidden Keywords’ section.

Keywords are just one of the many things you can enhance to build your ranking. Amazon Product Page Optimization helps sellers boost their contents in all aspects, to improve and promote their overall operations.

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