
What Is Agile Marketing?

When you look for the word “agile” in thesaurus, you will most probably find these words as its synonyms: “quick-thinking,” “alert,” and “bright.” And that exactly what agile marketing is all about—you think fast and act quickly so no time is wasted and the potential of your tools is maximized. Once you adopt the agile mindset in the field of social media marketing instead of ...

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Why Use Pinterest for Business?

Pinterest is one of the fastest-growing websites today. People are drawn to it because pictures are attractive, addictive, interesting and generally contain information that is easily understood. Aside from these, Pinterest is relatively easy to use—just pin and re-pin pictures and you’re officially a part of the growing community. The question now is: does Pinterest work for businesses? The ...

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How to Evaluate Outsourcing Providers

When you’re seriously considering an outsourcing venture, the “make-or-break” point of your decision may lie on your selection of the outsourcing provider. While it is not wrong to get from the Top 10 or Top 5 service providers in the industry, it will not hurt if you keep your options open and see if there are relatively smaller providers who are actually “better fits” for your ...

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Video Editing: To Outsource or Not to Outsource?

Publishing creative and viral contents is one of prevalent goals of many businesses today. It’s one of the ways to establish brand, stand out and get on top of the competition. And one of the fun contents which could get the attention of online users, and has the potential to get viral, is video. Creating a video is not an easy task though, especially if it requires gathering of different ...

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Giving an Honest Evaluation Using the Sandwich Technique

Have you ever been asked to give an evaluation? Even if you’re told to be honest with your critique, did you have the confidence to be completely honest? Giving evaluations is one of the difficult things that we, at several points in our lives, have to do. It takes skills to know what to say, wisdom to know when & how to say it and courage to be able to actually speak. So how can you be ...

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What’s Next for Social Media Marketing?

Today, most businesses of all sizes and types have at least one social media account. Their marketing strategies are continually shifting from “traditional” to “digital,” and engaging in social media marketing is one of the most popular techniques being used. This way, businesses and enterprises have increased online visibility and are able to reach and engage their target market. So how ...

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Reasons to Outsource Copy Writing Needs

With the internet revolutionizing the way people search and shop, your website is your online “salesperson,” and its content is king. What you put in your website could either make or break your business, that’s why it is important to give utmost priority to your contents. Outsourcing copy writing tasks is one of the best ways to ensure that your online presence establishes and ...

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2nd Office Holds Employee Training on Data Processing

As part of the company’s commitment to continuous skills improvement, an employee training on data processing was held last March 4. This in-house activity, which was facilitated by a trainer who has extensive knowledge and experience in the processing of data using MS Excel, was held within the office premises where all employees were requested to join. This learning activity enabled ...

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2nd Office Joins Google Classroom Training

Last March 7 and 8, 2nd Office’s CEO  together with Company President Paul Ian Serrato, and the office’s Social Media Specialist, Joy Mendoza joined the Google Classroom Adwords & Analytics Training held at Meridian International College in Taguig City. This was an extensive training designed to equip agencies, marketers, freelancers and the like. The first day of the training covered ...

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BPO vs. KPO: Understanding the Key Differences

Given the present context where businesses from different industries outsource tasks and work facets, “outsourcing” has somewhat become a common term which generally describes these kinds of activities.   BPO (business process outsourcing) and KPO (knowledge process outsourcing) have also been treated as one and the same. However, as similar as these may seem, both are actually coming from ...

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