
Grow Your Business with More Instagram Followers

I already have Facebook, Twitter, Pintrest  and now I need an Instagram? If you're selling products and you're in a category where your target market likes to show off their new purchase, then Instagram is most likely for you! So what's so great about Instagram? By practicing the above methods, you should be able to gain a good following to your instagram account. Instagram is awesome for ...

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Organizing Your Ideal Home-Based Office

In 2012, 30 million Americans work from home at least one day a week, and around 3 million of them are home-based full-time. According to Bolt Insurance’s Infographic ( by 2016, full-time telecommuters will rise by 63% which totals to 4.9 million. What’s more incredible is that 79% of US workers ...

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The Useful E-commerce Applications of QR Codes

There’s a new code in town. No, I’m not talking about the codes you see on your cereal boxes or chips. I’m talking about those little black and white square boxes, with squiggles and lines, which are rapidly appearing in print publications and many advertisements.  These 2D matrix barcodes are called Quick Response Codes or QR Codes. It’s part of a new way for businesses to connect ...

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Mistakes That Can Destroy Your Marketing Messages

Almost every business makes use of the Internet so it is more important than ever that the copywriting for your business creates the professional image that you want to present. Although we may have the knowledge in creating a good copy and its role in making the right impression, we must also watch out for wrong ideas that may damage the business. The following are some mistakes that we need to ...

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Think Like Your Customer

Think like your customer.  It’s every marketer’s mantra.  Seems simple enough, right? What is a marketer? According to, a marketer is a person whose duties include the identification of the goods and services desired by a set of consumers, as well as the marketing of those goods and services on behalf of a company. As marketers, thinking like our customers is ...

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Tips on Making Effective Product Pages

Running an online business means you should know about SEO (Search Engine Optimization), SEO traffic, and Meta data (description, title, and keywords). The problem is, the contents or product pages are oftentimes not optimized or are uninteresting. There are ways to change that. Ways that make sure that even though you’re selling the same products as dozens or hundreds of other online stores, ...

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How to Protect Your Digital Brand

Managing a business is already a challenging thing to do, and surely, the last thing that you’d want to see is damage inflicted to your brand. You must then take important measures to protect your brand, especially in today’s age where the internet revolutionizes the way things are done. Here are some tips that you can follow: Research  Before you finalize the name of your business ...

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Getting Up Early in the Morning Is Good for Your Business

When running a business, time seems to move so fast and you probably feel that you can’t get enough of it. You have a long, daily to-do list which pretty much sums how your day will turn out. With these, taking steps to increase productivity is a must for every business owner. And one of the things that you can do to accomplish more during the day is to get up early in the morning. Benefits of ...

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Do Not Be Overwhelmed with Social Media

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, blog, Linked In. These are just examples of social media platforms that business owners and marketers can use nowadays. With the need to be active on social media, and with tons of social media platforms available, it’s rather easy to get overwhelmed. How do you manage a number of social media pages? How do you maintain the consistency of relevant and interesting ...

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Tips on Content Marketing

What is content marketing? According to Joe Pulizzi of the Content Marketing Institute, "Content Marketing is owning, as opposed to renting, media. It’s a marketing process to attract and retain customers by consistently creating and curating content in order to change or enhance a consumer behavior." Basically, it’s the art of communicating with potential customers in creative ways rather ...

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