
Why Outsourcing Customer Service Is Good for Business

Help Desk, Technical, Live Chat, and Customer Service Hotline – these are the most common streams where businesses should focus on delivering desirable results to their customers that will ultimately lead to conversion, sales, or repeat purchase. Engaging your customers appropriately is one way you will know their needs and in return, be able to provide the necessary support and response and ...

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Why Work Close to Home?

By Danielle Torno The Daily Commuters’ Dilemma According to recent statistics, 80% of Filipinos commute to work on a daily basis. Most of them are saturated around Metro Manila’s business districts. While great career opportunities are sure to be found in these areas, the average Filipino commuter faces a colossal setback that might take a while before he gets to the peak of his career ...

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How to Start and Run a Successful E-commerce Business

Launching a brick-and-mortar business is no easy feat, but so is starting an eCommerce brand (no matter how easy it may sound). Several challenges come with establishing your own company in the digital world. It can be disheartening at times, but those mountains haven’t stopped entrepreneurs from becoming their bosses. With the internet as accessible as ever, launching businesses has become ...

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Why the Philippines is the Best Place to Outsource Your Business Needs

The Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) Sector of the Philippines has announced that the multi-billion dollar industry now employs a million people since its inception in the early 1990s. The BPO Industry has anchored itself as a huge contributor in the Philippine economy since 2004 after posting a whopping $1.5 billion in revenues with only 103,500 employees. Not only that, predictions abound ...

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3 Reasons Why We Celebrate the Philippine Independence Day

This coming June 12, 2014 the Philippines will be celebrating its 116th year of independence. However, to clarify any confusion that may occur June 12 wasn’t really the day when the Philippines gained its freedom from foreign rule it was actually July 4. It was July 12 when our ancestors decided and recognized that we should be an independent country. Sadly though, no foreign country ...

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2ndoffice Teambuilding 2014

"Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships." - Michael Jordan Last week, 2nd Office, Inc went on its second team building in Phillip’s Sanctuary, Antipolo. Believe me when I say, not even the vitality of youth, for those of us who still possessed it, could save us from the pain that was to come (especially the day after). By the end of it all were were tired, filthy, ...

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Build Real Relationships and Be Successful in Your Business

What’s the key to business success? There are actually a lot of different answers to this question. Probably you’ve been told to spend more time on building your brand, expand your social media network, improve your employees’ productivity, identify your strengths, and many other more. However, the most fundamental key to business success is, most often than not, forgotten. And that is ...

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Do You Need to Move Your Office Out of Your Home?

Are you running your business at home? If you do, then you’re one of many business owners who are enjoying the benefits of having an office at home, cost savings and easy commute included. However, as your business grows, there comes a time when you need to go out and look for other space for your office. Here are some signs that your business already outgrows your home: 1. Your home office has ...

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The @ Invasion

Years ago, just before the meteoric rise of social media, the “@” symbol was just for email. Today, everybody who’s online seems not to get enough of it. So how did “@” invade the online realm? Here are some data nuggets for your information: • For hundreds of years, the “@” symbol played multiple roles, and was used in almost everything – from beverage measurements to ...

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Build Up and Expand Your Business With These 5 Tips

There’s been a boom in e-marketing, and when I say boom, there’s a huge growth of income, expansion, and development in the said field. Also, there are people who post their local products online and sell it to everyone around the planet, if they have the option, and see if there are people out there who’s interested in what they are selling. But why is this important to you? You might be ...

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