
The Internet in Modern Society

The year is 2013. Humanity has accomplished so much in the last hundred years than it did in the last hundred thousand. We have built space crafts, set foot on the moon, harnessed the Earth’s natural elements to serve as an energy source, and so much more. But today we’ll look at mankind’s daily routine. A day in the life of an Average Joe. He may not be doing the same thing he did ...

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Smartphone Owners Use Their Phones to Go Online

One of the biggest trends in technology today are smartphones. Nielsen finds that 15% of smartphone owners in the U.S. recently acquired their handset from June to August 2013 with 61% consumers picking Android and 34% choosing iPhones. This means more people now own a smartphone and prefer to use it as their mobile handset. Data from Nielsen also reveal that young adults aged 25-34 have the ...

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Protect Your Business: Avoid These Social Media Missteps

Social media is important for business owners who want to succeed. Mediabistro published an infographic, produced by Crowdspring, which reveals that 50% of small business owners gained new customers through social media, most notably through Facebook and LinkedIN; and that 51% of Facebook users, and 64% of Twitter users are more likely to buy from the brands they follow. Social media allows ...

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Signs That You Need a New Business Logo

Your business logo speaks a thousand words. It’s what the public initially sees so it must appropriately and effectively represent your business at its core. Every now and then, businesses and companies make some changes in their logos. Even the most well-known brands do this. So how about you? When will you know if it’s time to change your business logo? Here are some signs:  Your logo ...

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Leadership Lies That We Need to Stop Believing

Leadership also has its myths. And unless we give this concept a second thought, it’s actually difficult to determine that what we have believed to be true are, in fact, lies. Let us take a closer look at leadership and debunk some myths about it: Myth #1: All managers are leaders. The truth is not all managers can lead. Management is not the equivalent of leadership—it’s just a subset. ...

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Debunking Common Technology Myths

I am certain that you’ve heard and actually believe a couple (or more) of these things.  News flash: these are actually myths, or simply put, aren’t true at all. Here’s a list of common technology myths and some explanation why these are not entirely true. You can’t charge your phone battery if it’s not yet drained. When you let your phone battery fully drain before charging it, ...

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Sharing Too Much Online: Bad for Your Business

When it comes to sharing information on social media, most people don’t really give much thought about the consequences. First, there’s online crime and identity theft which are becoming more rampant because of oversharing personal information. In the business world, online sellers are vulnerable to this since people can easily see valuable inventories they may have. Second, oversharing on ...

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Heartbeat as the New Password : A Look at Nymi

Passwords are said to be moving towards extinction so many technologies are currently devising new ways to secure online accounts. There are those which recommend using brain waves, fingerprints and even magic rings. And the latest product which has just come out is a wristband named Nymi which confirms a user’s identity through electrocardiogram (ECG) sensors which can monitor heartbeat and ...

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Important and Best Ways to Boost Sales

Here are some ways to keep you and your company competitive in the industry that you are in line with. Keeping a fresh, new and on-target marketing campaign can kick start your business into high gear and will give you the break that you need. Here are some simple steps that could boost sales and revenue: Listen & Learn Marketing counts on understanding the needs of your customer. You must ...

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8 Tips for Running a Business That Will Succeed

Venturing in business is not easy. It’s a gamble like most people say. You need to take risks. You may not see any progress at first, but of course you just have to look forward and hope for the best. For new entrepreneurs, just to be able to start smoothly is rewarding. However, failure is inevitable. You may lose even at the beginning. Fortunately, unlike gambling, you can have a game plan in ...

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