
Globally Trusted eBay Photo Editing Service

We provide photo retouching service to enhance your product’s images to meet eBay standards

Make Your eBay Product Photos Look Great and Consistent!

eBay photo editing has become an essential aspect for eBay selling businesses lately. Since the online shopping experience vastly differs from the traditional shopping experience offered by a bricks and mortar’ store, photography plays a crucial role in amplifying the online shopping experience and making it more visually appealing. Product images in your eBay store must necessarily feed all the five senses of your customers to be able to convince them to make a purchase.

It is no surprise that humans choose things that look good on the eye. Good product photographs can lure to sell more. A fluid, sleek, and high-resolution photographic style can help elevate the perceived value of your product and your brand’s image. A high looking product image can instantly draw the attention of your customers and even speak to them.

Do you know it is merely within 50 milliseconds that most people form their first impressions? This essentially means that they do not even give a complete glance to most things. If you want your eBay product images to pass the 50 milliseconds test with flying colors and entice your visitors enough to have them engage with your products, ensuring high-quality images for your products is inevitable.

Since eBay requires sellers to follow specific product image standards when selling in their marketplace, you must adhere to them to prevent your account from getting suspended. With eBay photo editing, we can help make your product photos look exceptional and consistent so that they stand out from your competitors.

Sample Work

A before and after comparison of an iPhone 4 photo when the background was still present and when the background is removed

Recommended eBay Photo Standards and Practices to Follow

Want to maximize your sales on eBay?

Ensure that you have all the rights to the image you wish to use for your eBay selling business. The image of the product shouldn’t be infringed or the intellectual property of a third-party.

A minimum of 1 image and a maximum of 12 images per product (an exception of 24 images in case of automotive listings) is a basic requirement for your eBay store.

Coming to the technical requirements, the minimum size for product images on eBay is 500×500 pixels, the maximum is 9000×9000 pixels, and the maximum file size is 12 MB. Scaling up thumbnail images isn’t considered a good practice as it becomes pixelated. PNG, JPEG, TIFF, BMP, or GIF are the standard image formats which eBay accepts for its product photography.

eBay is quite particular about the quality of its product images. It doesn’t allow placeholder images or images with dark backgrounds. Using white or light grey backgrounds for images is considered the best practice.

eBay product photo editing must be done carefully so as not to cut out the essential product details.

Why Brands Across the Globe Choose Our Photo Editing Service

Make Your eBay Product Photos Stand Out via professional eCommerce image editing company

Experience. Is there a better teacher than experience? Certainly no. We’ve been professionally managing photo editing of several big brands across the globe. The immense knowledge we have gained serving a broad spectrum of clients is the reason why we are where we are. This experience has made us the number 1 choice of professional photo editing service for our clients.

Our highly skilled graphic artists are up-to-date with the latest techniques, technologies, practices, and trends in online photo editing. All of them are highly trained for online eBay photo editing, which makes them the best at meeting all the standards of eBay. Additionally, they ensure a faster turnaround for all your projects.

The comprehensive product listings on eBay matter a great deal and can incredibly double your sales. We do more than edit your eBay photos. We can help you with a more professional looking product listing for your eBay selling business.

Choosing what not to do is equally important, if not more, to choosing what to do. Our clients prefer to not waste their precious time in managing non-core business tasks. They let us handle all the stress related to their eBay photo editing so we could help them meet eBay photo standards, while they focus on the other more important aspects of their business and be more productive.

Frequently Asked Questions About eBay Photo Editing

How do I change my eBay listing picture?

Firstly, you need to sign in to your eBay account. Clicking the selling link will open the list of items you’re currently selling on eBay. You can select items from this list for which you would like to change the picture. Clicking on the Action tab will open a drop-down menu from which you need to select the Revise link. You will be taken to the Add Pictures section. There are two options here- one is for eBay picture hosting, and the other one is for self-hosting. For the former option, you must select the picture you want to use as your Gallery picture in the first position. For the second option, you must replace the web address for your picture. Lastly, submit your item picture revisions. If you want to resubmit your existing item picture, go to the Site Map link at the top of the eBay page and click the “Change Your Item’s Gallery Image” link. Follow the instructions as are or our hire eBay virtual assistant to manage your eBay store

How do I put pictures in my eBay description?

If you would like to add pictures within your eBay description, you must first host your pictures online, so they have an online address. Next, use HTML codes in your eBay description to link to those hosted pictures. eBay has a rich text editor for adding descriptions. You can even drag the images or copy them into your eBay description if your browser supports this functionality. If you copy and paste the photos in your description, ensure that you have rights over them. eBay is very strict about photos that have copyright issues or that are obtained without permission from the owner.

Can I change the main photo on eBay?

You will find the “edit profile” button when you go to your eBay Profile page. Clicking it will take you to the editing options for your profile cover picture and other information. Click the pencil icon to change your main picture. Once you’ve selected the desired picture, click “done editing.” The main photo on your eBay would be changed.

Does eBay Compress Images?

If you’re an eBay seller, who sells in a category where the most delicate details matter, you might be worried about the quality of your original photo submissions, it is true that eBay photo editor alters the quality of its images but only in reducing them to other sizes. While uploading a photo, ensure that it is no longer than the size that fits in eBay standards of displaying a photo. If you do so, the quality of your photos would be maintained. Aim for a size smaller than the target size, if not the exact size. Doing so will ensure that eBay will leave your photos at the quality that you uploaded without altering it. Also, you may want to avoid using very smooth gradients in your images since they look blurry when compressed. eBay photo processing would go a lot smoother by avoiding such a situation. Additionally, to a lot extent, the quality of your uploaded photos vary according to different screen resolutions and browsers.

How many photos can I put on eBay?

With regular eBay picture hosting, 12 is the maximum number of pictures you can use. If you have many images to upload and most of them are skinny or narrow, there’s a great workaround. Try combining some of the images into a square one. A third-party hosting service would be required to be able to upload more than 12 pictures.

How do I resize photos for eBay?

If you’re planning to enlarge your small photos, the result would be a severe loss of image quality. However, if they’re at least 400 pixels each, you may expand them to 500 pixels using an image editor without worrying about the quality degradation. While editing eBay photos, ensure to set your image resolution at 72 pixels per inch. Although this seems like a super low resolution, it looks nothing less than great on eBay. For images within the description, ensure the image is no larger than 480 pixels wide. To focus the attention of your customers only on your item, consider cropping any unnecessary areas of your image. To enhance your eBay product photos quickly you can opt for 2nd Office eBay photo editing service.

Ask your query by contacting the best photo retouching company.